Our School Day

Our school operates a minimum 32.5 hour week for all school age children.

School starts for school age children at 8.15am.
School finishes at 2.45pm for Reception; 2.50pm for Year 1 and 2; and 2.55pm for Year 3 and 4.

Our nursery morning session is from 8.30am to 11.30am.
Our nursery afternoon session is from 11.30am to 2.30pm.
Our full nursery day is 8.30am to 2.30pm.

After school and breakfast club is open to all children from 2 to 9 years.
Breakfast club can be booked from either 7.30am or 8.00am.
After school club can be booked until either 4pm or 5pm Monday to Thursday and until 4pm on Friday.
For all nursery, breakfast and after school bookings, contact the school office at office@3lxschool.com.

Learning Perseverance Manners

We provide a rich broad and balanced curriculum, designed to meet the needs of all our learners. A love of learning is promoted thorough ambitious learning with inspirational opportunities with a particular focus on outdoor enquiry.

Starting the day
School and nursery staff meet the children at the school gate.
Children who attend breakfast club, held in our school hall, may come in to school from 7.30am onwards, then join their class at the normal school start time.
The children go straight to their classrooms and immediately begin their learning.

Our children are able to keep hydrated with water throughout the learning day and access fruit before morning break.
Parents can purchase milk for their children, although children under 5 are able to access free milk. This is organised through the Cool Milk Scheme and forms are available at the office.

In the middle of the school day, we provide healthy meals and children are able to choose suitable options from the menu. Drinking water and milk are available with hot meals.
Alternatively children may bring a healthy packed lunch in a suitable labelled container.
Our Reception Year 1 and Year 2 children have their lunch from 11.20 am, followed by Nursery, Year 3 and 4 children at 12 noon.

Free Meals
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 receive a free school lunch. If you receive income support your child may also be entitled to free lunches in Year 3 and 4. Please contact the school office for more information.

Ending the day
School and nursery staff say goodbye to the children at the school gate, as parents are ready to greet their children.

Religious Education and Assemblies
Our school has adopted the Dorset Agreed Syllabus for RE and we use this as the basis for our planning so that our provision links with the children’s other curriculum experiences. We promote the spiritual, moral and cultural growth of our pupils and aim to foster a sense of their own identity and worth as an individual through exploring their beliefs in relation to those of others.

During class and school assembly time, we focus on on learning, perseverance and manners.
We enjoy singing together. Sometimes we welcome visitors to lead our assemblies and we always celebrate special events and festivals. Children are able to celebrate their own success in a ‘Well Done Assembly’ on Friday. Our children lead their class assemblies when parents and carers are invited to hear about our learning in the classroom.

Parents may withdraw their child from Religious Education and assemblies although both are based on an enquiry into the religious dimensions of life rather than being reflective on any particular faith position.